Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Cute DIY Wedding Hair Tutorial

Cute DIY Wedding Hair Tutorial

A bride’s hairstyle is one of the most important things to work on when it comes to creating the best bridal look! In fact there are some many inspiring bridal hairstyles to stick with that it is hard to concentrate on just one. However, a DIY bridal hairstyle is an exciting easy option to go for with guaranteed success! So, take a look at the magnificent DIY wedding hair tutorial presented below and who knows maybe you find what you’ve been looking for!

DIY Gorgeous Bridal Updo
Thus, on the first step pull up all your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head and leave some loose wavy strands hanging out. Once you’ve done that grab the ends from both sides and pull through in a way to create a topsy tail.
Now grab some two equal strands from both bottom sides and make two smaller ponytails below using the very first ponytail also and topsy tail again. Also, make sure you save some strands out at the nape for later. Now, grab the hair hanging at the nape, make

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