Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Natural Herbal Skin Cleansing Lotions

Natural Herbal Skin Cleansing Lotions

How to prepare natural tonics?

- Linden, chamomile, sage and throw boiling water at the tail. Put a pinch of all, a rough. Cover and, wait for 30 minutes.
This mixture of water also allows your skin glow, a perfect natural tonic to reduce wrinkles over time.- By one pinch (filled with a heaping tablespoon) of sage leaves and linden flowers boil, and cool. If you delete the face and neck in the morning with the water s wrinkles is reduced over time.

- Wipe your face every morning with boiling water daisy. Then, apply moisturizing cream on your face.

With this application, increases skin elasticity over time, the appearance of wrinkles s loses.- Chopped parsley roots and stalks

2 cups water to boil. Morning and evening to face with this water,
wipe the neck and hands.
Wrinkle protects against Lara. Parsley juice is a natural losyon perfect for dry skin.- Dandelion on leaves (2 tablespoons)

1 cup water.
Bake for 15 minutes.
The water cooled wipe your skin with

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