Monday, May 5, 2014

How to Prevent Cellulite While Pregnant

Pregnancy is often joined by the appearance of little fat bags under the skin. Some attribute it to hereditary factors and genes, some to unhealthy lifestyle. It is a well-known fact that in the majority of cases this issue appears during this period and not after the birth of the baby. However there are some simple tips on how to prevent cellulite while pregnant.

Healthy Diet

Future mommies make no exception when it comes of body care. The best way to do it is to change our nutritional habits. Indeed the right foods can balance out the weight fluctuation.That’s why ditch out from your fridge processed foods and those that are rich in sugar. Weight loss during pregnancy is not indicated, however a healthy diet doesn’t presupposes losing weight dramatically.

Indeed some of you might crave, however the right meal plan must be followed within certain limits.

Control these crises with substituting the unhealthy ingredients with delicious and nutritive stuff.


It is a well-known fact that massages are the greatest enemies of cellulite. Besides its beauty effect it can also help the mother relax and releases the pains in the back.

Metabolism works properly only with the right amount of oxygen and a healthy blood circulation. That’s why pamper your body with a nice massage session applying soothing massage oils and creams.

Eliminate Toxins

Cellulite appears due to the toxin accumulation under the skin. The best way to prevent its appearance is to follow a detox regime, that will do good to the mother still won’t harm the baby.

Caffeine and alcohol are no-no ingredients of a healthy meal plan, substitute the additives and chemical with fresh fruits, vegetables and above all water.

Pure water is the simplest tool to prevent the formation of toxin bags. The elimination of harmful factors is the basis of a healthy body care during pregnancy.

Anti-Cellulite Treatments

Anti-cellulite creams and lotions do a great favor to our skin.

The retinol and other non-chemical ingredients found in these products can reduce the unaesthetic aspect of cellulite with improving the elasticity and health of our skin.

Since this problem roots in our metabolism the anti-cellulite products can only reduce the visible effect rather than preventing the appearance of cellulite. The best way to stay healthy is to start the cleansing from the inside.

Stay Active

It’s not about doing exhausting and high-cardio exercise, rather about staying active all throughout these months. The most simple way to keep our soul and body in a good shape is walking. Try to do it at least for 30 minutes per day to see how you’ll feel.

The easy and pregnancy-friendly workouts as prenatal Yoga and walking, save you from the burden of struggling with cellulite. Pair this activities with healthy breathing techniques to improve your physical and mental condition.

How to Prevent Cellulite While Pregnant

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