Saturday, May 6, 2017

Pregnancy Test guide

Pregnancy Test guide

If you're concerned you could be pregnant, consider taking a home pregnancy test.If your menstrual cycles are irregular, allow for your longest recent cycle length before testing. If you do not know when your next period is due, wait at least 19 days after you last had unprotected sex before testing.

The pregnancy test is designed to detect the presence of the pregnancy hormone in your body.This hormone is called human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG).

If you're pregnant, the amount of HCG in your body rises rapidly in the early days and weeks, and a home pregnancy test can detect this in your urine.

So you'll just need some urine to be sure whether you are pregnant or not.

If you get a negative (not pregnant) result from the pregnancy test, but you still think that you could be pregnant, wait another three days before testing again.

You may have conceived later than you thought, and there was not enough HCG in your urine at that stage to be picked up by the first

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